Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Meeting: Part 2

This time Zhiqi and I went to the BLUU together. It was interesting to see the differences. I got one plate with my meal on it, and ate the whole thing. She got two or three plates from the get go and only ate part of her meal. It’s not a huge difference or detail, but it reminded me of the different cultures that we both come from. 
This encounter was a little more awkward from the first just because we did no have introductions or anything to really talk about but the conversation traded with the chewing of meals pretty evenly. 
We sat at the end of one of the long tables right across from the football players, which I did not think would be different than sitting any other place, but it proved to be entertaining. The two of us were sitting there talking when we here the big boys beside us start yelling and then one raced over to our table smacked it and stated, “See I can win.” I am not certain what this statement or “race” was supposed to signify, but it proved to lighten the mood. As dinner went on the football guys started dancing to the karaoke playing in the background and Zhiqi commented on her wonderings of why African Americans are almost always prone to dance well. It beat me, but we both decided that it was impressive. 
We both spoke of the snow days and how the night it snowed we went and played in it at 2 AM, but then we also spoke of how the other days we tried to stay indoors as much as possible. It was a sort of in between being friends and being acquaintances conversation, but it was still pleasant. Hopefully the next one will be better.

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