Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cross Country Snow

While reading this short story all I could think about is how I, and many students feel, when a school break is ending. Most of the times we have just encountered an amazing experience and at the end of the week we do not want to go back to school and continue classes but we know we have to. We wish that we could just continue on with no worries and no obligations for just a little longer so that we could satisfy ourselves, but would we ever really be satisfied?
Nick and George have just experienced an amazing trip doing something that they love, skiing. Right before their last run they discuss the realities that they are going to have to face after they return home from their vacation. George has to return to school and Nick has a baby on the way. They so badly want to go off and ski for the rest of their lives and not deal with their current situations but both know that is not even an option. They have prior commitments and responsibilities to attend to.
I know that just coming back from Spring Break was a lot like this for me. I enjoyed a break full of sunbathing at the beach, sleeping in late, and going on leisurely walks. I missed my friends from school enough that I wanted to come back to Fort Worth, but actually going back to the school part was something I was dreading. Normally the side effects of break are not as severe on me, but after tasting that little bit of summer and relaxation the last thing I wanted to do was come back to school where I have to sit through classes, go to meetings, and do homework that I do not want to do. However, you have to do what you have to do. This is exactly what Nick and George do. They dream of better things, talk about the realities, and then continue on because they know that is the only option.
I think Hemingway is saying that it is okay to dream, and it is okay to want something different for your life, but when it comes down to it your life is waiting for you and you cannot just leave it. The responsible thing to do is make the most of it and continue living actively in it.


  1. I really like your connection from SB11 to Nick and George's cross country skiing trip. I agree that sometimes it's nice to just enjoy the moment, but you can't just leave reality behind. I agree with what you said about Hemingway, it's great to dream but you can't leave reality behind.

  2. This is so true, not to one-up anyone but even more so with me because this spring break I actually went skiing with all the "bros." Fortunately none of us had a child on the way, but we definitely were sad to come back to reality come the last day of the trip. Hemingway is so good at writing stories that relate to real life, he's just too legit.
